Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lionboy: The Chase

The words used in the story and the way the story went are not difficult to read, but I didn’t like it any way. The setting was complicated. It went up and down, and lift and right, I couldn’t catch up the story. I’d got this feelings before when I was reading other books, usually I could get what the story was when I kept reading. Reading just a chapter is too short, before I could get what it was telling, it ended. I think I’ll get a better feeling if I read the whole book one day.

 Interview Audio

Zizou Corder. Lionboy: The Chase. :Puffin Audio, 2005.

  • Genre: Fiction
  • Source: Mrs.Farrer
  • Rating: 1
  • Read: The first chapter


  • Unidentified -Not recognized or known; not identified
  • Miserable -Very unhappy or uncomfortable

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you found this book a bit confusing. I guess it borders between a fantasy and action and perhaps doesn't do it very clearly.
    I read the book and found it interesting because the story was VERY unusual.
    Try to follow the guidelines from the Reading Journal handout.
    GREAT work all the same Joy.
    Mrs F =)
