Friday, September 18, 2009

The Chinese American

One of the major American immigration is Chinese immigration. It started during 19th century when Chinese went overseas for jobs. The story goes though from the first Chinese workers to the new Chinese immigration today. It tells the feelings and the problems them have gone though.

During the war, the mainland China and Taiwan were political separated. Many Taiwanese people thought the war would have soon come to Taiwan and immigrated to other countries. Lots of them have gone to Americas. There are now about 500,000 Taiwanese Americans living in the U.S.A. But not only the U.S, Taiwanese immigrants have gone to all the countries that they could get to, many countries in South America. Today, there are still lots of people moving to other countries, most of them become Canadians, American, Australians and New Zealanders.

I’ve at least three friends became Canadians, six friends became New Zealanders or permanent residents, and my own family also have immigration background. I think because of this situation, the history of immigration is important for us, it shows how the people are scared and find a way out for life.

Chinese Historical Society of America

Organization of Chinese American

Marissa Lingen. The Chinese American. Broomall PA:Mason Crest Publishers, 2009.

  • Genre: History
  • Source: Senior Library
  • Rating: 3
  • Read: Whole Book


  • Bigamy –The practice of having two wives
  • Segregate –To separate from the general population

1 comment:

  1. Joy,
    This book sounds pretty dry/serious and may possibly be a bit boring at times???
    I would like you to read a novel that you could enjoy.
    Nevertheless you have written very well and expressed your thoughts.
    Keep up the GREAT work.
    Mrs F
