Saturday, September 12, 2009

Stray Bird

Stray Bird has been done by Tagore in 1996. He used the language as a prayer, a conversation of the world or a whisper in the silent. His work, Stray Bird, is a guide of the stray people in the believing of the god. He used a lot of the old English, such as thou or hast. They’d given the poems a different soul. I think people shalt leave this book on the cabinet, in case sometimes get lost, it’ll frozen the time into another world for you.

Since it was September Eleventh yesterday, I would like to leave these lines for the U.S “When I stand before thee at the day’s end thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds also my healing.”- Stray Bird 289 by Tagore.

Rabindranath Tagore. Stray Bird. Taipei:Bookman Books Co. Ltd.,2006.

  • Genre: Poetry
  • Source: Book Store
  • Rating: 4
  • Read: Whole Book


  • Hospitable –Having good condition that allow things to grow; having a pleasant environment
  • Afterglow –The light that is left in the sky after the sun has set; a warm pleasant feeling after a good experience


  1. Joy!
    You write really well~!!
    If I can find this 'Stray Bird', I will try to read! Even though I don't like poems ;(
    Anyway! Great job !
    I have already read your whole works!=)

  2. JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm sure this poetry book is really nice :)
    and Good Website that you have ;)

  3. hey i like your reading journal. I bet this book will be interesting because the way you described it,it seems like you were very pleased that you read the poetry book. I might as well read this book.

  4. Very good la, Joy!

    You wrote like pro...

    I cant catch up with you now...

    Im going to finish the two I haven't done and start the new journal today...

  5. Joy,
    Tagore is a very famous poet!!! Did you enjoy the poem??/
    I have not read many of his poems... you have made me curious!!
    Mrs F
