Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Health Care Speech

Back in 1995, the year I was born, Taiwan formed the first health care system. Not much people opposed at that time, people thought it would be a benefit, but now we could see it has become a disaster. The government took over the whole health care system. Everybody has to pay for it annually, and will get a card. Every time you go see a doctor, you show the card and pay much less than it should have been. In Taiwan, you only need to pay about $200 for a doctor, which is about $40 Singaporean dollars. The problem is that lots of people use it even they don’t need it that much, and doctors give too much treatment those are not necessary. This ceased a deficit about 2.77 billions Singaporean dollars.

Now the U.S is discussing about reforming the health care system. Different than what have happened in Taiwan, people have got all different views about the reform. For improving the life quality, this could be an important step, but I think it would be hard. On this turning point, there people would be facing some different problems than they have had, and thoughts would be challenged.


Barack Obama. Washington, 2009.

  • Genre: Speech
  • Source: The Huffington Post
  • Rating: 3
  • Read: All


  • Deficit –The amount by which money spent or owed is greater than money earned in a particular period of time
  • Preexist –To exist from an earlier time

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