Saturday, August 22, 2009

The dark side of the Universe

The new discovery for the universe was started by Dr Sasha Kashlinsky and his colleagues. They planned to gather more data for the known universe. But the data that they gathered showed another pattern of the universe, and that lead to another thought about the universe. They start the new thoughts about Dark Flow, and lead people to think about relevant ideas – Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

I think we still need more and more evidences to prove the ideas. Nobody is sure what the universe is like. It’s a good start the unseen things whether the ideas are right or not. These shows how small we are.

Online Resource about Dark Matter

“The dark side of the Universe”. BBC Focus magazine Issue 204. Carolyn Wary: BBC, 2009.

BBC Focus

  • Genre: Science
  • Source: Book store
  • Rating: 4
  • Read: Whole article


  • Galaxy –Any of the large systems of stars in outer space
  • Phenomenon –A fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood

Friday, August 21, 2009

Reading Profile

I love reading! I read every night after I’ve finished my homework. I often read fictions in English, because they’re easier to read. I also like to read about health, science,economic and design. I like biological books the most.

For fictions, the authors I like are Jodi Picoult, Cornelia Funke, Michael Ende and Roald Dahl. For science books, I like Frank Schatzing every much. Peter Atkins’ books is also interesting. For comics, I love Larry Gonick and Chai zhe zhong. I love how they present science and Chinese classics.

My new reading goal is to be able to read most of the books in English, including science books.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Introduction to My Reading Journal

I’m Joy. I’m from Taiwan, but I’m also an American. Even I’d learnt English for a long time, I still started with SPP level 1 last year. I completed the SPP program in grade eight and come to high school as a mainstreamer. My biggest problem is vocabulary. When you see me spelling boat as boot, please do not laugh. And when I ask you how you spell grammar, no need to be surprised.

I love drawing, reading and I love to think and discuss about them. I’m not afraid of writing; if I’m with my dictionary. I think the reading journal is a great start!

The photo is from my holiday back in Taiwan. I'm in the photo, but I wonder if your eyes are good enough to find me.